Study Tips

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Note Taking

Note Taking Etiquette

Let's get over the formalities and enjoy note taking for what it is: an art.

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Note Taking


Notion is one of the best productivity software for typed notes.

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Note Taking


Obsidian is one of the best personal knowledge base and note-taking software application.

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Note Taking

Good Notes

Goodnotes is one of the best application/software for organizing and writing out notes digitally.

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Study Techiques

Studying With Friends

Studying with friends can provide motivation by creating a supportive environment.

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Study techniques

Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light Method

One of the best study tactics is traffic light, which is based on feedback: red (stop), yellow (caution), and green (continue)

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Study techniques

Visual and Auditory Learning

Studying through flash cards (visuals) and orally "teaching" the course to oneself (auditory) are extremely helpful.

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Study Tips

Tips For Good Grades

You will ace all of your tests and assignments if you follow these tips and tricks!

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Ways To Keep Organized

Being organized helps to save time and make your studying times more productive.

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Studying Music

Lofi Music

A highly recommended style of music for studying.

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Studying Music

Classical Music

Another highly recommended genre of music for studying!

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Trivia Game

Are you feeling tired after a study session? Take a short break by playing this general-knowledge trivia game!