Click on the cards below to learn more about each of our offered programs. Apply as a tutor or sign-up as a tutee! We welcome you to join at any point during the school year.

Please access the various application forms using your school GAPPS email. If on a laptop, copy and paste the link into a browser signed in to the right account.
Get comments and suggestions on any writing from our peer editors. 3 days notice required.

Peer Editing

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Tutors Involved


Tutees Benefited


Hours Spent Tutoring


Courses Offered

Drop-In Tutoring

Want extra help in your weak courses? Need to understand something before a test? Drop-in to our weekly sessions at any time and get immediate support from peer tutors. Bring homework or ask questions from any subject - we will do our best to help you!
sign-ups not required

Wednesdays & Fridays

Cancelled if no school on that day. Follow our instagram and listen to announcements for updates on locations for the week.

3pm - 4pm

Room 147 or Library

Best for...

Occasional Help

If you don't require tutoring all the time, but mostly before tests or assignment deadlines.

Independent Studying

Drop-In sessions are great environments to get work done quietly, with the comfort of recieving help should you encounter any questions.

Multiple Subjects

You can touch upon your learning from various courses, as a review.

Get Feedback

Ask us to look over your creative projects and give recommendations for areas of improvement.

Become a Tutor

We are interested in drop-in tutors who demonstrate extraordinary patience, compassion, and communication ability. Drop-in tutors require the flexibility to teach a variety of subjects and to adapt to students of all types. We expect those accepted to be available on at least one of our designated drop-in days each week. Note that if desired, tutors can apply to both drop-in and one-on-one!

  • Confident in a variety of courses: math + science, english + french, or all :)
  • Must have final grade of >85% to tutor a course
  • 9th graders can not sign-up in semester 1
  • Volunteer hours awarded for all sessions
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One-on-One Tutoring

Taking a course that you struggle with this semester? Get paired with an experienced tutor who will get you through it! ;) All one-on-one sessions are unsupervised and arranged on your own. Make use of the quiet spaces around the school or meet online as well. A private tutor is suitable for those seeking personalized support that caters to your needs and learning style.

Flexible scheduling

Choose specific courses

Personalized help

Best for...

1 or 2 Courses

If you want to put more focus on your weaker courses in the semester to improve grades significantly.

Busy Schedules

For those who cannot attend drop-in sessions, one-on-one offers more meeting options such as evenings and weekends, and does not need to be on the same day each time.

Daily or Weekly Review

Meet with your tutor to review the lesson(s) you most recently learned in class to keep up with the understanding necessary to ace the test!

Homework Partner

If you would like someone to go through homework problems and explain the solving process as well as your mistakes.

Become a Tutor

One-on-one tutors should have a comfortable understanding with the courses they select to teach. However, there is less pressure for this role as you can always refer to your past notes or review the concepts before sessions! When pairing students with tutors, we factor in your grades and skill level, as well as various preferences to ensure a suitable match that falls within your capabilities. Also, we always offer a trial period with your tutee in case you decide that you are not well-suited to tutor them.

  • Must have completed courses before tutoring them
  • Have at least 80% to tutor a course
  • 9th graders can not sign-up in semester 1
  • Volunteer hours awarded for all sessions
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What Students Are Saying


We accept applications at any time during the school year for one-on-one tutoring, as well as for drop-in tutors. At the beginning of each semester, we begin a new round of applications. Although already existing tutors must re-apply, they do not need to go through training or interviews again.

The google form is restricted to users through GAPPS email only. Copy the restricted link, open a new browser that is signed into your school GAPPS account, and paste it in. Please contact us if you are still unable to access the form.

Ask your tutee what kind of help they are looking for. Most students ask tutors to go through homework problems together, and re-explain the lesson taught in class. Needs of each tutee may vary, but a tutor must try their best to adapt and help them! If you feel that you are incapable in your ability or skills to accommodate your tutee, let us know and we will repair you.

You can request a tutor for as many courses as you wish! Just fill out the sign-up form multiple times, once for each course.