1. Use Your Time Wisely.
There are several opportunities in your regular high school day when you can study, instead of wasting time on your phone. This could be a substitute teacher period, lunch period, or spare period. Using these periods to study can really help you to learn and understand the material, and may be the difference between getting a mark as a result of wasted time, and getting a mark that you want.
2. Don't leave things to the last minute.
This one may seem like a no-brainer. However, many students often fall for the mentality that they have time, when they really do not. Assignments can pile on, and they can pile on fast. So when the teacher gives notice that there will be an assignment or project, take advantage of it and start right away. This can be useful in preventing instances of the all-nighter, and can improve your mental health, as you are less stressed about classes, as well as more energized from sleeping the proper amount of hours.