Support for students at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School
JOIN ANYTIMETrudeau Tutoring & Co. is a student led program that relies on students of all grades who vounteer their time to support fellow peers. We do our best to provide a wide variety of free services and resources that can be of benefit to anyone attending the school. We hope to see you grow and learn during your years at PETHS!
Weekly after school homework help: twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 4pm. Come at any time with homework or questions and recieve tutoring on the spot.
learn moreGet paired with a tutor for semester-long personalized help in one or more courses. Arrange meetings on your own schedule, at school or through zoom. All subjects are available!
learn moreWe also offer more services, resources and school-wide events. Feel free to explore our website for useful tips and hacks, interesting content, and more!
As a bonus, follow us on instagram for the quickest news on exclusive updates:
Whether as a tutor or a tutee, seeking support from peers can be a greatly beneficial opportunity to improve your success in school and life. Even if school and teachers can already be a handful, a peer-to-peer experience is unique because only students can truly understand each other.
was the science and math drop-in tutoring program, held on fridays after school each week. The club's legacy had lasted for many years at the school.
was founded in 2019 and offered one-on-one peer tutoring.
(since 2022) is the newly combined version of the two clubs, offering all our previous services and more!